
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Best Craps Strategy Turn $100 in to $5000

okay guys I just wanted to show this

strategy of craps that I use I'm gonna

show you on this this website you can go

and practice yourself on this website

and its called Wizard of odds dot-com /

play / craps it's usually right at the

top of the search when you just search

craps on Google but on this usually when

I go well let me back up let me just say

that if you're gonna try this strategy

yourself on a $10 minimum table I would

recommend trying it out with $300 so I'm

gonna start this session with $300 and

I'm just gonna start doing it and try to

explain it to the best of my ability

while I'm playing so we'll always start

with a minimum pass line bet of $10

since we're at a $10 minimum table let's

say oh and looks like we have a point

you should get rid of this point okay

get rid of the point so $10 minimum bet

on the come out and we're on the 8th now

I'm not gonna put odds I'm going to bet

$75 on the don't pass bar sometimes I'll

hedge that bet with a $5 bet on 11 let's

just do that now so week this at this

point during the second roll of the

after the come out we have the most

money at risk I have $90 at risk I could

lose it all with a 7 roll right here

which may sound like a lot but there's a

lot of players out there that have a

strategy of you know the Iron Cross and

the 3 roll moly and all that kind of

stuff where they have at least 90

dollars at risk on any given roll in

fact multiple rolls in row so I think

that this is a very very conservative and modest way of

betting but this is the only time you'll

have this much money at risk so let's

roll and see what happens

I got a six so now I have a pass line

bet on eight and I'm gonna maximize my

odds on that on this table on this

particular table I have three four five

times odds which is the worst possible

that means on the four and ten I have

three times my bet that I'm allowed to

put on odds so if a for hit on a $10 bet

the most I could put on odds is thirty

on my five and nine I could go up to

four times odds which would be forty

bucks and on the six and eight I could

go up to five times odds which would be

fifty bucks so that's what I'll do here

since I got an eight is fifty bucks and

then I'll take mmm and do minimum bets

on the outside in this case basically

I'm putting place bets on numbers that I

don't have a pass line bet on and that I

don't have I know this would be a dolt

column or a no six and then in addition

to that I'm gonna hedge a little bit I

have 75 dollars on the no six I'm gonna

go ahead and put five dollars on a hard

six and there's generally or generally

there's actually exactly five different

ways to roll a six by putting money on a

hard six I'm taking away one of those

ways to lose this 75 dollars now there's

only four different rolls out of 36 that

could possibly lose my 75 dollars and

also before I roll my third roll I'm

gonna put a $10 combat so if I seven

rolls right now I lose this 75 I'm sorry

if I said I win the 75 and win 10 more

so 85 total off the seven rolls at this

point and I have 10 20 30 40 50 I have a

hundred at risk if a plus the five so

105 at risk of the seven rolls but I

have eighty five two ganging of the

seven roles at this point so let's roll

and I got an eleven so I won that so

let's put another combat from here on

out I'm putting a combat every single

roll I just won twenty eight dollars on

the ten so I'm gonna be really

conservative and just put $20 on the

odds-on ten and let's just keep on going

because I don't want I just want it so I

won there I don't want to have too much

money out here that I could lose because

I only have 85 to gain by rolling a

seven at this point but as you can see

from winning the place bet when the

number hits I'm actually using the

winnings from the place bed to pivot to

to put on odds so I'm actually using

house money on odds here so let's roll

it again oh I lost my comeback

that happens sometimes so I rolled an

eight so I win so let's do min bet here

I can't put odds yet until I do my come

out roll I really want a seven here okay

so on the seven I win on the pass line

and I won minor six so that's best-case

scenario and nobody's gonna be mad at

you for winning your no six because

everybody on the table wins on a seven

on a come out so when you're at the

casino don't worry about these seeing

because people will be happy anyway

alright so we're back on the pass line

so we roll an eight again now here's an

important thing I have no don't come

right now I'm gonna come down off my

heart six cuz I only had the hard six to

hedge my no six I'm gonna come down off

of all my place bets and then I'm gonna

repeat so we're back up $75 on

$75 and we could do five dollars on the

eleven again just to hedge that bet so I

win $75 if we roll a seven because and I

think in some cases it's important

because there's six ways to roll a seven

which loses on the don't come and then

there's two ways to roll in 11 which

would end up being

um eight eight ways to lose out of 36

which is like one out of four and a half

rolls would lose here but by taking away

two of those ways to lose by putting

money on the 11 now there's only six

ways out of 36 loose now I only lose

here one out of every six times so

losing one out of every six times is

much more desirable than losing one out

of every four and a half or two out of

every nine so that's that's one reason

to put money on this 11 but keep in mind

in the long run

this is not this is this is a big house

edge here I think it's like thirteen

percent house edge on this $5 bet so

I'm losing money faster in the long run

by putting money on this I could just

risk it by not putting any money and in

the long run I would I would last a

little longer so just keep that in mind

so we rolled a 9 I'll lose my 5 but I

got my 75 so now we're gonna repeat

I'll max out this bet here and then I'm

gonna put all my place bets out here

again I'm in bet is 10 so I got to do

this on the 6 is gonna be 12 if you're

watching this video you're experienced

enough with craps to know how much

you're supposed to be betting here if

not you need to watch my my introduction

tutorial so again we're pretty much in

the same situation now I'm the 5 and 9

years worth things differ a little bit

there is no way to hedge on the 5 and 9

with a hard way there is no hard 5 and

hard 9 so I'm pretty much just risking

it I'm risking rolling a 9 in any way

shape or form there's only four ways to

roll a 9 so I have just as much of a

chance to lose the 6 and the 8

even if I'm put betting on the hard way

than I do on the 9 and 5 so here we go

let's see what happens here so I rolled

a 10 so we're going to put odds on 10

remember this is house odds now because

we just won the place bet what 11 so I

want him to come well the 10 so I won

the place bet it's kind of like deja vu


eleven wins on the comm I'm actually

doing pretty well here for so we're

gonna put twenty odds on four and eight

wins again so I'm doing pretty good here

so let's have a come out roll again

we're hoping for a seven on the come out

roll and I didn't get it but that's okay

we'll put two twenty-five odds now what

do we have out here before we get going

we still have it or no nine so we don't

have to DC again but I got to remember

to put my odds on eight maybe I'll max

it out okay so now we're ready to roll

well I'm one my four Wow okay put your

pass line bet down let's make a roll

hopefully it's a seven oh I lost my nine

now this is where you got to make a

decision there's two things I could do

here I could say hey um this shooter

we're still on the first shooter here

that I started with three hundred

dollars I'm way up right now yeah I lost

75 dollars on that one roll but if I

lose everything that's out there now I'm

still way up so there so I could say for

that reason I'm not gonna put another DC

up you know I got a really hot roller

let's just run with it and and if I

don't put a DC up I stand to lose

everything that's out here for seven

rolls so for this instance let's go

ahead and do that let's not put a DC up

again don't forget odds on four and

let's just right now

we're betting on a really super hot

shooter we could lose all of this in the

next roll but that's okay because we

have 472 we would win on the comm so

let's see what happens about the five

now we're putting house money again

since we're doing so well that's another

thing craps tables can be very streaky

so I you you really need to take

advantage of that when you're winning

bet heavier when you're losing

that really conservatively don't chase

your losses and so let's roll again okay

so I finally seven doubt even though I

didn't I only want twenty bucks on that

seven out um I got four hundred and

seventy six dollars I started with three

hundred so I'm doing really good but now

let's repeat our process so I won there

with eleven ten now we're gonna go 75 on

the don't come bar and we're gonna hedge

it so now we have an eight so we're

gonna come of course and we're gonna put

odds on the ten let's go place bets

don't forget twelve on six now there's

something a little different here we got

our eight are no eight so we're gonna

hedge that with a five dollar bet and

this would pay this five dollars

returning 250 if a heartache hits which

is less than 75 but that's okay because

remember House edge here we don't want

to give away too much money on our hard

ways to the casino which is what you're

doing anytime you're betting on the hard

ways so we have all of our place bets

across the cool thing about this system

is something's happening every single

roll so if you have ADHD or whatever and

you need things happening you don't want

to wait on your point to it or not hit

this is a great way to do that the bad

thing is is you're keeping the dealer

extremely busy and as such they could

make mistakes and you have to pay close

attention to those dealers to make sure

that they're paying you correctly that

they're not forgetting to do something

here there non-stop busy one way I would

one thing I would recommend is try to

find a table that doesn't have so many

people on it to do this system because

this could get really hairy on a crowded

table and you've really got to pay close

attention so let's continue so the five

hit use the dealer's early house money

for your odds

hit again maybe if it's hot go a little

heavier on this seven out but I 185 for

my bets out here which ends up 170 right

so 85 plus they paid my 85 gives me 170

I'm up to 508 so I did pretty well there

one of the things he that you'll realize

when you play this way for a while is

that the you know if the tables lukewarm

or even cold if the table is very cold

you're gonna be kind of breaking even

most of time cuz you're don't come it's

gonna hit all this is Burt best-case

scenario every once in a while when

you're on the don't come you're gonna

roll craps especially two and three and

that's when it really pays off so I got

paid one hundred fifty dollars in one

roll so that's awesome I just put it

back up there 75 remember to replace

your 11 ok I'm back up on the 9 don't

forget your odds now on my six

I may maximize this to five times odds

put your place bets back up don't forget

we're doing 12 dollars on the 8

we can't hedge the 9 so we're gonna

leave it as is and then we're just gonna

roll see what happens with all set well

let me point something out here to you

real quick a lot of people would look at

this board and say you're betting a

hundred and eighty seven dollars right

now I can't believe you're you're you're

you're a huge gambler you're really you

know High Roller whatever you want to

call it forget that you're you have less

at risk here than just about any other

way you could bed $187 I stand to win

eighty-five if I roll a seven and I'll

lose the rest but any other time any

other number I hit I'll win a little bit

and I get to still hedge all that with a

$85 seven so this is a very conservative

way to be betting a lot of money and why

would I want to do that because your

comps are gonna be based on how much

you're wagering so

so this is actually a good thing you get

a lot more comps when you bet this way -

so I hit my for to keep on rolling hit

my six so I won that that's really good

now we're on the come out hopefully it's

seven yes it is so this is payday right


$190 I won so we keep on going now

here's the come out roll our place bets

were off now we have to take them off

because they would be on if I didn't

take them off if you're in a casino you

don't have to take your place bets off

every single time you just tell them

take me off my bets for the next roll

and they'll take a little chip that says

off and they'll put it on there and you

won't have to even take them down so

here we go let's roll it

now something you're asking why didn't I

put odds on there the reason why is I

want the least amount of money at risk

during any one given roll and since the

second roll the most amount of money is

at risk I don't want to you know push my

luck by putting a bunch of money on on

odds there cuz you will start hitting

sevens and stuff like that so alright so

now we're coming out in a casino you'll

be able to hedge your four by putting

money on the hard for on the come out

roll I can't do that here this isn't the

best program in the world it's probably

the best one that I've ever found but it

doesn't allow you to be on on the hard

ways on the come out roll which is

unfortunate when I'm at the casino I

always tell them give me a hard for and

make it working on the come out roll so

anyway so it's roll we roll a six I'm

gonna max out on my odds here put my

place bets down so we're doing the same

thing again

now I want to place my heart for I have

75 if I bet ten that wins me seventy

that's good enough I don't you know so

I'm betting more than I am on the six

and eight but that's okay this is great

there's only three ways to roll a four

by hedging it you

you you've taken 50% of your risk away

so that's really good 50 now there's

only two ways to lose here

I got a rollin easy for so we're in

really good shape here that's a way to

lose two okay so I'm on the nine let's

put 20 on that 20 odds on it so I seven

doubt so I won my 85 again and so that's

okay it's okay that I had all this place

bets out there that was all hedged okay

so let's go with the $75 take away to my

ways to lose and I hit a seven so no big

deal that's going to happen as a matter

of fact it should happen once every six

roll and you're just gonna have to deal

with it you just gotta hope that it

happens later when you're way up if that

happens early that's not good but and

that sometimes happens and just got to

deal with it okay so I'm back on the

four so let's go let's max out our pods

here place my bets and put the combat

and don't forget to hedge your four

there we go okay we're up

now here's I got I got a six and an

eight now I have a lot of money at risk

here now because I put so much on odds

but you know I'm feeling lucky right now

I'm way up so let's give it a shot so I

hit my five maybe I'll just put 20 on 20

odds on that always even odds you should

know that already

twelve why craps are not feeling very

good to me

hit my nine will do 20 on that one so

one more mate now what you're gonna find

then we got a hot shooter here so we got

a five so it's uh

now don't forget your odds on your 8

here so we have a really hot shooter

here once you get all your combats up

here at this point any time they're not

rolling a four this is just your

personal atm put your huts back up maybe

I'll go to 30 here now

I got my own personal ATM here I just

130 on that last roll so every roll I'm

winning money won money even there 11 on

the come out so maybe I'll push this to

the max max bad on this would be 40 he's

already got 40 so put 40 max bet hit my

5 see I'm just raking it in now okay so

I hit my 7 so not only did I win on the

pass line and not only did I win on my

my no 4 but all those odds and keep in

mind those odds I was using house money

there and they were all at risk during

the action for a 7 even though it was

just house money but I get to keep all

my odds on a come out roll when a 7 hits

so I ended up with 310 dollars because

they paid my 75 to paid my pass line and

they gave all the odds that I won back

so that's that's that's where are you

really banking and look I'm almost up to

a thousand dollars I only started with

300 dollars and this is exactly what I

do at the casino so here's the come out

roll ok take down your no 4 or a hard

floor take down your your place bets and

then we're gonna go I'm getting close to

$1,000 here so let's start jumping up in

the ante a little bit here so I'll do

150 so we doubled that mm-hmm let's see

what happens someone the a $150 on 8 now

some of you guys who have ever played DC

do you have the option of not letting

that travel because you think all six

and eight let me tell you something

the odds of you winning on no 8 is

better than losing it you have a greater

chance of winning this no 8 and losing

it so keep it there if you're really

that worried about we're gonna hedge it

a little bit here

I'll put ten dollars down to win a

hundred remember the house edge there we

don't want to overdo it and normally if

I'm in a casino that has better odds

than three four five I'm still gonna do

a minimum bet on the comm but in this

particular case the odds are kind of bad

so I gotta up it to higher higher back

here so that's kind of unfortunate if I

was at my casino where they have a

hundred times odds I would still do a

minimum bet on the comm now we're gonna

go across we have a hundred and fifty

dollars that we're gonna win if they

roll a seven so we can get a little bit

more aggressive on the outside here so

now I have a hundred dollars across I

have fifty there there's a hundred and

fifty but I stand to win 175 150 160 170

but I can win 175 if they roll a seven

so there's my setup right there that's

all you got to do so let's go ahead and

play this out so I got a five so I'm

gonna be a little bit conservative and

just go fifty there for now

Oh too lost I was seven out so I'm still

at 9:05 I can't remember what I started

this out with I know it was getting

close to a thousand but I had all that

money on the board and at the end of the

day I ended up you know maybe only

losing a little bit and that's the

beauty of it but let's let's try that

again this time let me put only put 200

on the don't calm so we'll go ten

dollars there OOP seven out eight it

happens it happens sometimes now we're

getting down to sit it's about 700 so

let's go back to normal and that's

another thing you got to monitor your


don't if you're if you wanna win big you

got a bet big but you don't want to have

too much of your entire chip stack at

risk I'll just go there so if I lose

here I'll win I'll win 75 if if 11 hits

okay so I'm back on the 8th so I'm gonna

maximize my odds here I'm going to do a

$10 calm and then let's do let's go

across here on the outside and I'm gonna

hedge on the 8 with 10 cuz that'll give

me a hundred to hedge that so let's see

what happens ok I'm gonna try something

a little different here since we're up a

little bit I'm just gonna double my bets

on the places here and let's see what we

can do here so I got a 10 now since I

won 56 on that bet I'm gonna go ahead

and maximize that 1 by 6 so now we're

coming out now if we roll a 7 here

that's really good roll six again okay

so let's maximize our odds here don't

forget to come out minimum bet and let's

roll it one only come with an 11 okay I

won my 10 that's really good

maximize the odds again Oh crapped out


so I lost my 8 okay so what do we do

here this is what you're gonna do even

at the casino this may seem a little

hairy you got to be kind of an extrovert

if you're worried about doing this do

not try this this this strategy at a

casino unless you're willing to do this

you're gonna take your odds at down in

front of you you're gonna tell the

dealer I want off my place bets and off

my odds that's what you got to tell them

you have to tell them that

since we don't have a dealer here I have

to physically take him off he if he

tries to physically take these off tell

him no just put an off button on it and

the reason you want to do that is

because it's a pain in the butt to go

back up and down on these things so what

I did was is I took back all that money

and now look I'm up to 7-eleven again so

if they do roll a seven right here

I didn't lose everything I'm actually

using the money that I had out there to

put it back on the don't come for the

next roll so let's see what happens so

I'm on the five now now that your don't

comes back up

you can bet these put these bets back up

put your odds back up on there six put

your odds up on your eight now before we

roll let's see how much money we have

going on here

a hundred actually would be one hundred

and ten dollars one if they roll a seven

but we have a hundred and twenty thirty

forty fifty sixty seventy we look like

over two hundred dollars at risk here if

you're really worried about the fact

that seven rolls we actually lose almost

a hundred dollars if you're really

worried about that you can lay on this

five on your don't are you on your no

five so I could go $75 lay would win me

fifty one hundred and fifty dollar lay

would win me another hundred so now I

would win $200 if this if a seven hits

two hundred and ten if you count to come

so that if that makes you feel more

comfortable here then go ahead and do

that now you have more at risk here for

five hits that's why I don't like delay

unless I really have to so here we go

let's roll it so I hit my six too big so

we're gonna come out let's roll seven

okay alright so don't forget your odds

on your six

your odds on your point which is 10

we're still placing the 4 and 10 and we

have a big giant no.5 don't be afraid to

make these bets you have a lot less at

risk here than you think I mean it says

we're betting four hundred and sixty

bucks which is more than half of the

remaining of our balance but there's

nothing there's nowhere near 460 at risk

here on any one given roll so we rolled

a seven so we ended up winning four

hundred and seventy bucks now we're up

to 816 we actually lost low money from

the 900 that we had but we had the

potential to win a lot because of all

those uh those place bets and combats

which is key you'll find out well you

kind of already seen already why that's

such a big deal

let's do 200 again and see what we have

here I only put 5 on the pass line let's

uh yeah they let me increase it here

which is nice in case I make a mistake

that that would have never been allowed

in a casino to only bet 5 when the

minimum is 10 it'll tell you to put 5

more on okay so we're on the 10 let's

head to our 10 put 2 on there we'll win

a 70 it's 140 maybe maybe a $25 10 a

heart 10 since we have 200 on the no 10

and since we're wagering so much let's

let's amp it up here on the inside so

I'm gonna go $30 remember you have to

have a multiple of six on the six and

eight so let's max out our odds here and

let's start rolling carry it our four

that's nice now we're on the come out we

won with 11 okay we're on the nine don't

forget in a casino they would tell you

to take this down but here we have to

physically take it down and for your

odds here and also odds on the four

there's our four odds backs it out we

can afford to max it out since we have

so much on the no 10

and we lost the 10 in this particular

case now watch what it looks like we

only have four hundred eighty six bucks


but what we're gonna do is we're gonna

clear the place bets and we're gonna

take off our pods for the next roll

remember how to do that with your dealer

tell them off my place bets off my odds

and they'll do it and we're just gonna

put we could put 200 more up there it's

no big deal you'll see in a minute so

now we're on the five now let's put our

same bets up there thirty dollars each

on this and feel feel safe to do that

because of seven rolls and you're gonna

win 200 bucks odds on four pots on ten

and don't forget your combat we can't

hedge the no.5 so we're just going ten

wins max odds again eight wins max odds

eight wins max odds with 130 on that bag

nine wins see this is just every roll

something's happening nine again max

odds we rolled a seven so we win our 400


so we're back up to 916 so here's the

moral this story yeah we rolled a ten

and we lost $200 on the ten

but we didn't panic we took down all of

our bets we put up another $200 don't

come it went up on five we hit a couple

what we put our odds and everything our

place bets back up make sure you remind

your dealer to make them working again

because if he puts that off button on

there he won't take it off until you

tell him to put it back on and we put

them all back up we hit a couple more

points we hit her seven and look we're

back up to nine sixteen that's all you

got to do no panicking here so we're on

the ten let's do a $200 don't come

again we're back but now don't come on

ten is really good that's good so we're

on the nine now let's put our bets up

here place bets our odds are a combat

we're gonna hedge to ten with a quarter

don't forget your odds on nine max it

out let's start rolling hit our eight

max odds on eight

we won 65 on the eighth so maxing out

our odds is not a big deal

105 max odds there are six now all these

big odds I'm putting on here is really

casino money because I hit my my numbers

we hit our nine okay come out roll hit a

seven okay four that's fine don't forget

we're gonna take off our place bed

because our bet that's on floors right

here oh I forgot to put odds on nine

okay the nine didn't hit I'm moving a

little bit too fast here gotta put odds

on nine so now every any roll it pretty

much wins this money except for an easy

10 an easy 10 is the only way we lose

here Exxon's hit our 5 only 7 out we won

200 on the 10 plus 10 more on our calm

so now we're up to twelve hundred and

thirty six dollars this is not playing

the this is exactly how I play at the

casino so yes you can turn three hundred

dollars into twelve hundred dollars just

that quick and there's really not a

whole lot at risk here

the only time you're risking a whole lot

of money is when your money's on the

don't come because the seven could hit

and knock it out but you saw that that's

not that big of a deal

we just put it back up okay wait the

nine now we're up to over a thousand

dollars let's start really getting

aggressive here okay so I got five

hundred dollars on the don't come bar

and so we're gonna probably put doing a

quarter on the the eleven okay so we're

on the six no panicking all right let's

uh let's put our place bets out here we

need 120 on 80 now you're probably

thinking holy crap we just had $1,200

you put it all out there and there's

only there's less than $300 left no we

have a $500 no six that seven hits

we just won $1,000 so seven right now

isn't that bad okay so we're gonna do a

$50 hard six

that'll completely replace the 500 on

the six if we hit a hard six

remember there's five ways to hit a six

one of those is a hard way so we only

have four ways to lose our $500 bet

there so let's see what happens

hit the four I'm gonna max out here hit

the seven okay so what do we end up with

I hope with 1,400 after all that we

ended up winning a little bit of money a

couple hundred dollars actually so let's

try it again now this time I'm I'm

increasing the pass line bet because of

the odds rules on this particular table

you really want a table that has at

least ten times odds in that case you

can still put your minimum pass line bet

down and ramp up your you're betting on

your odds which is what you want to do

okay let's put 500 on the don't come put

a nickel there and let's let her roll

all we're on the ten that's great

so let's go across here don't forget

we 120 there don't forget your odds

Maxim out so we have 125 odds here okay

oh don't forget to hedge your bet your

now this is only 7 to 1 if I put 52 if I

put $10 there would give us 70 so $100

which gets you 700 so if you really are

worried about that 10 you could put 75

on there I'll go ahead and do that now I

don't even know what that pays if 50

paise 350 so you do the math 75 times 7

is whatever that is so that'll now

there's only two ways to lose that bit

10 with easy 10 7 out no big deal let's

see what we got ok we're dead back down

to 1261 that was we rolled a seven on

the third roll so we put a lot more

emphasis on hitting some of those

numbers before we 7 doubt so it's no big

deal but you know some that that's you

know not worst case scenario but it's

not that great so all right 5 on our

back on here whoops 500 edge it let's

rip it back on the 9 so see if we get

this thing going here so sick so we want

that to be 120 max odds on the 8 we

really need to hit a point here look I

got almost I got over $1000 on the board

but there's really not a whole lot of

risk here okay so let's get it rolling


okay oh I lost my 9 okay what do we do

when that happens we clear the board and

we're good we have 700 now you're

probably thinking oh my gosh yet you had

1500 you know or 1400 you know now you

down to 700 Hey we started with 300 and


we're going for it but what are we gonna

put 500 here now now never never never

never never put more than never more

than half of your entire balance on

there but in this case I'll do 300 we're

gonna hedge that with a $20 okay we're

on the floor so now we're not gonna go

hundreds here let's go back to don't

free your odds here exons here now we're

going to slow our roll a little bit here

so what do we need here we need 30 on

the six all right let's see what we get

oh and we're gonna hedge are we have 300

well probably do you

let's see 50 you'll get us so not that

much we don't want to overdo it that's

probably good enough

okay so we're slowing down here so we're

back down to minimum that's here next


we're back up to $951 so that's how it's

done all right I'm gonna get really

crazy and just for fun I wouldn't I

normal or I wouldn't normally do this

and Casino but let's just have fun with


500 okay so we're back up yeah okay on

the 8th so okay so we're going to just

put 50 odds here let's uh okay so I

think we got it all figured out

okay so we won there and we're gonna

have a comment roll for so we're gonna

come off of that so you can max our odds

here don't forget to okay 1r6 Oh yep

there we go need to max that seven out

no big deal

look at that we've actually profited on

that we started with less than a

thousand now they have more so let's try

it again

or on the six so now we're going to go


and let's put fifty dollars on the hard


all right here we go seven out again so

I want a little bit of money there so

let's keep on going we're on the ten but

our place bets across the middle

start we're gonna hedge this with a $75

bet let's roll it show you guys how to

play craps right here seven out and look

what we got thirteen seventy two and the

funny thing is we got so much money bet

out there that the pit bosses are losing

their mind at how much of a high roller

we are we look like the biggest high

roller in the world playing like this

but we don't really ever have a whole

heck of a lot at risk oh I just lost the

500 right there so let me try one more


okay we're back on the ten now I don't

have enough money to put the max that I

need to on the outside here let's go

here let's see okay I think that's the

most I can bet I put ten dollars on the

heart ten it's not gonna get me much but

we'll get back to it I'd like to put hey

let's roll five wins it

oh it's nice I could put on six wins

okay we're getting somewhere now five

okay we're doing pretty good now don't

forget odds on six and maybe I'll put

one more on that that actually what I'd

like to do there we go

90 bucks okay let's roll it hit my five

again so I'm really really rolling now

I'm doing good hit my five again lost

that one seven out now let's see how

much I got twelve hundred and thirty

seven all that bet and try again twelve


so you'd want to hit any number except

for the four will do a $75 $100 would

pay $700 so we don't need that much

that's just a waste it's okay so we have

47 dollars left so I got I'm betting

eleven hundred sixty-five dollars

remember there's not a whole lot at risk

here we're already doing really well

this is perfect all these odds that's

house money we won two hundred eighty

bucks on that place bet

so that's house money Oh must be uh no

for now in this case we we already have

here's that scenario is talking about we

already have a thousand dollars on there

we have all these come bets out there

right now if I were to seven out a win

the 25 plus my own 25 I'd have a

thousand dollars this is a good scenario

where I might just leave it without a DC

so let's see what happens so far it's

totally paid off so let's just keep

rolling and see how well I can do 6 all

right and everything all we got to put

odds on the nine so let's just see how

well I do without the DC oh man we are

rolling back on the 8 don't forget your

TC or your comm I should say oh man we

are lighting it on fire

the only like I said the only reason I'm

playing this way without a DC I could

lose all of this as soon as the 7 hits

but we're way up I'm fine with that

get my 9 I love it where we have a on

fire shooter this guy's on fire

now when I start doing this well then

I'll start doing this stuff I'm up to 50

on the comm now and I hit my 850 on the

pass line

I hit my 9 so don't forget your odds

here now the odds are up to $250 200 on

the 9 and don't forget to put a combat

down and we're good 50 more this is this

is the on fire shooter we just won 650

bucks on that

oh we seven doubt so when this happens

this would be a good time to just say

okay I'm done I'm walking away I started

with 300 I have 2200 let's just call it

a day but I'll show you what I usually

do I mean not it because I haven't

haven't gotten this hot at the casino

yet that was a really hot roll so we'll

go $1,000 on it's on the floor

so now we'll go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

need $40 here so we got two forty two

forty two hundred two hundred kind of

might have to borrow um let's just take

this down to one because I need to put

enough on odds here so what I need to do

here is go alright let's give that a

shot seven out so I still have 2200 see

how that worked let's start with let's

do $100 pass line Oh that'll work five

let's do thousand-dollar DC again on the

10 best case scenario

dollars there yeah when I did the $200

pass line that just was too aggressive I

didn't have enough money so now I'm

betting twenty two hundred and eighty

dollars right now and there's really not

a whole lot of risk because the fact

that I have a note a thousand dollar

note ten got the four put odds on four

and since I have more money I could put

it out there and maybe start working on

hedging this thousand dollar note n was

the max Oh matter uh well now we can

start really getting serious and I could

put 400 there it could put 400 there i

got max out on there so i'm doing i'm in

really good shape now so i have a

thousand dollars a hundred dollars you

give me 700 so that's given me 700 maybe

i'll put 125 so let's see where we go

with this one the 500 us the ten okay

here we go again

where we want enough money to break even

if the very next roll is a seven we'll

just lose the odds I'm about to put up

so I'll put 300 dots there for hundreds

there so we lose 700 if you seven sevens

out right now roughly so let's see what

happens if he doesn't oh if he does not

then we're up flat out oh I can take

down Maya not sure how that happened

oh is the come out roll yeah those are

all fun to come out okay so let's see

what happens for it's okay so I'm

already way up anything that I bet from

here on out is pure profit on this


well it just keeps on getting better

even though I got 500 ollar odds they're

hit my six

now just it's like an ATM at this point

oh I'd spoke too soon my six again man

that's big hit my six again and seven

out now started with three hundred at

this point I'm telling the guy color in

and you get to go home with four

thousand three hundred and fifty seven

dollars this sixty seven cents is a

glitch in the system

I must have put a wrong place bed up

here at one point maybe instead of 120

maybe I put up 110 I'm not sure but um

they'll pay you and cents they just pay

you buy the odds in the casino

they'll round down so I wouldn't have

that but anyway hope that you learned

something about my system now keep in

mind I don't always just show up to the

casino with three hundred dollars and

walk out with four thousand sometimes

I'll lose the three hundred buy-in with

another three hundred and may even buy

him with the third 300 but then you know

I get one hot shooter and things fall my

way and not only do I win all the money

that I had in back but then I'll be up a

thousand beyond that so I may walk out

with nineteen hundred and started with

nine hundred you know three hundred

different three times with three hundred

so I'm in nine hundred and I walk out

with 1900 or I might walk out with

twenty five hundred or whatever it might

be but um so it doesn't always happen

that smooth but telling you it's a

pretty good system.Click Here!

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